Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions

Choosing your crystals and essential oils is just like setting an intention. What would you like to achieve?

Setting an intention is a powerful tool for achieving your goals. It’s a way of focusing your mind on what you want to achieve and taking steps to make it happen. Here are some steps you can take to set an intention while using Gemma Moon:

  1. Start by getting clear on what you want to achieve. If you have it handy, write down your goal in a journal.
  2. Visualize yourself achieving your goal. Imagine what it will feel like when you achieve your goal.
  3. When using Gemma Moon products, inhale the aromas of your product. Hold the product and/or the stones in your hands to connect with the energy, and visualize your goals.
  4. Take action towards your goal. Break your goal down into smaller steps and take action towards each step.
  5. Stay focused on your goal. Keep your goal in mind and stay focused on it.
  6. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can achieve your goal and take steps towards it every day.
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